The set IS navaratna Stone have below: All navaratna Stone is as follows:

Emerald Emerald (Marathakam): Represents Mercury. Emerald (Marathakam) represents mercury. Said to Bring prosperity in education, banking and research. Said to bring prosperity in education, banking and research. Emeralds are Believed to Be Lucky for teachers, journalists and computer professionals. Emeralds are regarded as an opportunity for teachers, journalists and computer professionals. Believed to heal diseases related to the nervous system. Considered to heal diseases related to nervous system. Begin wearing it on a Wednesday, a year after sunrise hour. Start wearing a Wednesday, one hour after sunrise. Worn on the small finger. Worn on the finger.

Diamond Diamond (Heeraka): Represents the planet Venus. Favourable in Matters of the Heart, Timely Marriage and enhancement of beauty. Diamond (Heeraka): Represents the planet. Venus in favor of the heart, marriage timely and improvement of beauty. Worn on the ring finger. Worn on the ring. Within a year hour of sunrise on a Friday. In the hour of sunrise on Friday.

Pearl Pearl (Vycranth): Represents the Moon. Pearl (Vycranth): Represents the Moon. Believed to Bring Mental Peace, Economic prosperity, Higher Education and enhanced family status, ITS USE "during the period" of Its moon Brings Favors. Believed to bring mental peace, economic prosperity, higher education and enhanced family status, its use during the period of its moon brings favors. The Pearl est aussi Used to heal eye-related illness, "any mental disorders and to assist good location. The Pearl is also used to treat eye diseases, mental disorders and help a good location. Worn on the ring finger. Worn on the ring. Ideal Time to start wearing it would Be hour of sunrise year was Monday. Best time to start the port, it would be the time of sunrise on Monday.

Yellow Sapphire Yellow Sapphire (Pushyarag): Represents the Jupiter. Yellow Sapphire (Pushyarag): Represents the Jupiter. Brings luck and blessing from God. Bring luck and blessing of God. It Is "during the effective period" of Jupiter in your life. It is effective during the period of Jupiter in your life. The stone IS Believed to bless you with offspring, promotions, administrative Powers and "interest in Religious Matters. The stone is supposed to bless you with offspring, promotions, administrative powers and interests in religious matters. Start wearing it is from Thursday, year hour of sunrise, worn on the index finger. Start wearing a Thursday, one hour of sunrise, bring on the index.

Ruby Ruby Ruby IS Supposed to Be the Stone of the Sun. Ruby: Ruby is supposed to be the stone of the Sun. Ruby Gives intelligence and KM. Ruby gives intelligence and knowledge. Ruby Will Protect from dieseases, debts, enemies and Brings success and long life. Ruby protect against dieseases, debts, enemies and brings success and long life.

Coral (Pavizham): Represents the planet Mars. Worn on the ring finger. Coral (Pavizham): Represents the planet. Taken on March annulus. Supposed to Be When the MOST Favourable March IS prominent in one's life. Supposed to be the most favorable when Mars is prominent in life. Coral IS Widely Used to Enhance professional creativity, aid in the Gaining of land and property, and to Ensure Long-married life. Believed to heal blood related diseases, the best time to start wearing it would Be a Tuesday. Coral is widely used to promote the professional creativity, aid in obtaining land and property, and ensure a long married life. Considered to heal blood related diseases, the best time to start wearing it would be a Tuesday.

Cats Eye Cat's Eye (Vydoorya): Favors Brings "during the period" of Kethu. Cat's Eye (Vydoorya): helps provide during the period Kethu. Believed That the Use of Cat's Eye with help to Avoid miscarriage, allergies, heal urinary disorders and allergies Educational grant progress. Considers that the use of Cat's eye with the help to avoid miscarriage, allergies, heal urinary disorders allergies and grant educational progress. Worn on the ring finger is set in gold ring. Worn on the ring finger in a ring of gold. Begin wearing it on a Tuesday year Within hour of sunrise. Start wearing a Tuesday one hour of sunrise.

Blue Sapphire Blue Sapphire (Neela): Represents the Saturn. Using it Brings luck and prosperity. Blue Sapphire (Neela): Represents the Saturn. Using it brings luck and prosperity. Mainly to do away with rheumatism and lung diseases, the Blue Sapphire IS Believed to help people Engaged in meditation and yoga. Mainly to get rid of rheumatism and lung diseases, the blue sapphire is supposed to help people engaged in meditation and yoga. Worn on the middle finger. Worn on the middle finger. Within a year after sunrise hour was Saturday. In one hour after sunrise on Saturday.

Hessonite Hessonite (Gomedha): Represents Rahu and hence Brings Luck DURING ITS Rule in your life. Hessonite (Gomedha): Represents Rahu and thus provides the opportunity during his reign in your life. Favours people Who wish to Be employed overseas and heals Illnesses related to the intestine, skin and veins. The Most auspicious time for the Use of Commencing this year Stone Within one hour of sunrise Saturday. Helps people who want to be employed abroad and cures diseases of the intestines, skin and veins. The best time to start using this stone in the hour of sunrise on Saturday. Worn on the ring finger. Worn on the ring.


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